Photo by: Laura Bianchi, courtesy of the Bogliasco Foundation


Astrology Consultations

I offer Birth/Natal Chart Interpretations, Saturn Return Chart Readings, Creative/Artistic Consultations, and more!

Birth/Natal Chart Reading

This is reading all about YOU! During a Natal Chart Reading, we can uncover different layers of your being, make sense of the past, affirm what’s going on now, and forecast your future. In this reading, you can ask basically anything and gain some clarity as this is the base chart for most readings.

Solar Return Reading (a.ka. Birthday Chart Reading)

This is the most requested astrology reading! During a Solar Return Reading, we are able to forecast the flow of your next trip around the Sun. This reading is really helpful to make plans for the year and to make space for the gifts from the universe!

Saturn Return Reading

You may have heard about the infamous ‘Saturn Return’. This is when Saturn (the planet of discipline and boundaries) returns to the same place in your chart as it was when you were born. It is a period of great maturation through a series of transformative events. A Saturn Return reading can help you align with this energy and make some sense of the punches Saturn be throwing.

Creative/Artistic Consultation

This is the latest offering I am most excited about! With astrology, we can shine some insight into your current and future artistic projects. By casting charts for your endeavors we can find auspicious/beneficial dates to announce projects, start projects, scheduled performances, and more. Let the stars support your projects!

Feel Like You Need A Reading, But Not Sure About What?

No worries, we can figure that out together. You can book an appointment and share what is clear in the intake form. If you’d like to chat before booking an appointment please send me a message or email and we can figure out if a reading would support you at this time.

Sliding Scale Rates

Rates for friends, Black + Indigenous folk, and dance artists:

  • $50-$125 for a 1-hour session

Rates for non-Black/Indigenous poc artists (all disciplines):

  • $75-$150 for a 1-hour session

Rates for Non-BIPOC folk:

  • $100-$200 for a 1-hour session

  • *We can discuss bartering options if the lowest amount is not accessible.